Mind Tweet

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...Image via CrunchBase

Have you ever wondered what life would be like if you could update your status on Twitter with just a single thought? Or engage in a potentially embarrassing conversation in public without anyone else hearing you? Well, wonder no more! The invention of Audeo by Scientists at Ambient Corporation can make both of these seemingly impossible activities, possible.

When we speak, our brains send waves to our voice boxes to let it know what to say. But what’s even more interesting is that the brain also does this when we just think about saying something. Audeo, a nerve-tapping neckband, picks up on the waves that our brain sends to our voice box when we think about saying something and can translate them into words. Audeo can then send the information to a computer, allowing us to update Twitter, or send it to a cell phone where the waves are converted into an automated voice that the person on the other line can hear. (The video of the first silent phone call is posted below)

My succession of thoughts upon hearing this were: first awe at the ingenuity of the invention, then amazement at how lazy we have become that even typing is too strenuous for us, and finally worry that when/if this device becomes mainstream I might let something embarrassing slip through my mind for someone else to hear… But fortunately, the device does not voice inner thoughts, and one must deliberately think about voicing words in order for them to be picked up. In the words of scientist Callahan, it takes a “level above thinking” for this device to work.

Either this is a sign of great advancement or great laziness…but personally, I’m really excited about what we can do with this in the future.

Sorry guys, I couldn't figure out how to upload the video, so here's the link: First Voiceless Phone Call
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1 comment:

Decades a Go-Go said...

Ok, so I haven't listened to the video yet, but holy freakin fluff! What?!! Wow, I definitely went throught the exact same succession of thoughts. Awe, wow we're lazy, and err what if I think something I don't wanna think..But wow. I will listen to that video now..

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